Saturday, December 8, 2012


Please Read Through: This newsletter was also sent to all Goonies. This newsletter has important information that you need to know. Thank you.

1. There is a Live Auction room next to the BigHK Auction House! We will be using it for public auctions held by Goonies who have things to sell to interested parties. The way the live auction works:

  1. The guild hall will be opened to the public. A Goonie representative will be in haven advertising our Live Auction along with a brief list of items to be sold.
  2. To begin the auction, you state the item up for bid then say the starting bid price (EXAMPLE: "/y Up for bid now, an awesome pair of Cool Goggles. Helps for those rainy days in the wolver dens! Starting bid at 8000 crowns!")
  3. People interested will start to bid, most likely the bidding will go fast if it is a fun item.
  4. When it seems there are no more bids, you will say to the crowd the highest bid so far and give them two warnings before you award the highest bidder as winner (EXAMPLE: "/y 14k crowns for the cool goggles, going once,....... going twice......"  "/y aannnnnd SOLD to the misses in the purple wolver coat!")
  5. Every auction will have a Guild Master or Officer residing over it to help the seller with anything and to keep the peace amongst the crowd.
If you have items to have people bid head to head on, please let a guild master know! :D

2. Mist well talks are over and a decision has been reached. It has been decided that the mist well will be available to the following people:

  • Veterans, Officers, Guild Masters
  • Anyone who has an elevator pass is not allowed to use the well.
  • Pwincess-Chunk or another Guild Master can make an exception if your situation is approved.
By making this our rule, it acts as an incentive, or perk, that will drive Members to excel in the ranks. If you would like to know how to reach Veteran status, please check out our Promotion Ladder on the website(left sidebar) or talk to a guild master.

3. The second floor west wing now houses the Guild Master office and Counselor Spiralmagus' quarters. If you have any ideas, or problems, something you just need to talk about or maybe you want to hang out, feel free to see the counselor or a G.M.
The other half of the wing is currently undergoing remodelling and we are trying to finish soon!

4. We now have a guild storage. It is broken up into three sections: Member, Veteran, Officer. IMPORTANT:  The items placed in the storage are to be used responsibly. The items are not placed in the storage for others to sell or give to non-guild members.

For now in the Member storage we have a lot of 1* and 2* gear as well as 0*-2* materials for your crafting. If there is something you need that you do not see in the storage, please let an officer or guild master know.

-December is rolling along nicely, so please don't forget to pay your dues by 12/31/2012; if you already have, we appreciate it very much ^^
-Promotions: performance reviews will be starting December 22, 2012. Promotions will be given on January 1, 2013.

If you have questions or comments please let us know ^^

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The Goonies

Let Pwincess-Chunk know if you would like your picture on the slideshow!

The heat is on!

The heat is on!
Left to right: Ribbita, Pwincess-Chunk, Oromis-Glaedr