Saturday, February 16, 2013


The winning lotto number was 92! Congratulations Sonovius!
The prize is 200 CE !

Thanks to all who participated in our lucky lotto draw:
Drfield (71), La-Cosa (96), Khara-Tany (67), Anahilation (28), Tyeman (14), Rip-Jaw-Jr (63), Korhl (82), Poirot (27), Idolo (42), Mischiefxero (50), Lordjuan (99), Princess-Violet (44), Unrighteous (37), Poetry (23), Sonovius (92)

1 comment:

The Goonies

Let Pwincess-Chunk know if you would like your picture on the slideshow!

The heat is on!

The heat is on!
Left to right: Ribbita, Pwincess-Chunk, Oromis-Glaedr